Every family can achieve positive mealtime experiences with the right support

We support caregivers to meet their child’s nutritional needs while working together to improve family mealtimes

Call now to book in with one of our experienced dietitians: 0408 987 427

What can we help with?

Faltering growth or poor weight gain in babies, children and adults

Tube feeding — nasogastric, gastrostomy or jejunostomy

Children and adults requiring oral nutrition support

Selective eating — neurotypical and neurodiverse

(including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)

Weight Concern, Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Body Image Concerns in children and adults

Coeliac Disease

Suspected or diagnosed food allergies or intolerances

Support with introducing solid foods to your baby

General nutrition information for your family


We practice in a weight-neutral framework using the principles of the Health At Every Size (HAES) philosophy. We will not prescribe weight loss or restrictive diets and we support families to work towards food freedom, intuitive eating, body liberation and positive food and body experiences.

If you’re unsure whether to book in, feel free to email us at ciara@nurturednd.com.au for a discussion about your case.

What to Expect

In your first appointment your dietitian will spend an hour getting to know you and/or your child and discussing growth, physical wellbeing, current food intake and family food dynamics. Together, we then create a practical plan to support you to make progress with your or your child’s eating and nutrition.


What to bring

Please bring any growth history for your child (e.g. Child Health Record), referrals from specialists, pathology results, or other relevant information.

In some cases it is helpful to bring your child to the first appointment and in other cases it can be better to work without them – if unsure please contact us via email before your first appointment.


How to Book

You can book an appt to see a dietitian by phoning 0408 987 427. You do not need to have a referral from a doctor to book a consult with a dietitian.

FEES (as of July 1st, 2023)

Private fees:

$170 for a 1 hour consult

$110 for a 30 minute consult

Medicare rebates

You may be able to obtain a GP management plan to see a dietitian. This can allow you to receive a Medicare rebate to offset the cost of your dietitian appointments. The rebate for seeing a dietitian is $55.10

NDIS fees:

$193 for a 1 hour consult

$97 for a 30 minute consult

NDIS participants

We are able to see NDIS participants who have self-managed or plan-managed funds. We are not currently able to provide an NDIS funded service to agency-managed participants.